Monday, January 9, 2012

Final project proccess

This is our 1st week  mind map unfortunately we get rejected because we didn't focuses in one main point in order to promote our FCM through a interesting things.After A FEW DISCUSSION FINALLY WE CHOOSE DIGITAL ART

Creative Multimedia
“FCM is now moving forward into its second decade of existence being the first such faculty in Malaysia in 1997. Many things have changed over the years since its establishment. Each day I find much inspiration and challenge with our dynamic staff, innovative projects and eager young students wanting to learn the future of multimedia.” -Harold Thwaites (Dean, Faculty of Creative Multimedia). Faculty of Creative Multimedia established in 1997 and it was the first of its kind in Malaysia, since its establishment and the success carried on. And this step has placed Multimedia University at the forefront of Malaysian creative multimedia education. Many students from all over the world got their eyes on this faculty and wanted to be a part of this journey, and the faculty welcomes both international and local students with a warm heart. The faculty always puts the interests of students in first place and always tries so hard to provide all the required technologies to make our education journey more sophisticated and functional. The Faculty takes place in Multimedia University in Cyberjaya campus and the faculty building is considered one of the most fascinating and colorful buildings in campus it’s also the second newest building after Faculty of management, it’s one of the buildings that you would love to stay in all the time. Faculty of creative multimedia goal is to produce digital content designers driven by knowledge and information. There is a strong emphasis on multimedia production and the use of computing technology to combine the wide range of communication media. Students will also be encouraged to develop the theoretical skills necessary to analyze critically the media and the information society, both in terms of its technological manifestation and its social impact. Creative multimedia is all about dedication, creativity and entertainment. To be a part of this faculty you must be a dedicated student and always uses your own ideas because they represent you. Everyone is creative in their own way and in Faculty of creative multimedia they help us to unleash the creativity inside us and polish our own talents to become successful and creative in our lives.
               What are the things that make Faculty of Creative Multimedia (FCM) different form the others? First we should say that it has so much of its name, specially the first part of it (creative) which prepares the student to think creatively and concentrate on this aspect during the period of study. When the faculty was conceived back in 1997 the pioneers had a specific purpose - to produce digital content designers. In the age strongly driven by knowledge and information, 'content is king' upon which 'form' heavily relies to preserve its significance. The programs are designed to provide the skills necessary to fulfill the insatiable global need for information, entertainment and telecommunication in the context of creative design and thinking, computing skills and business fundamentals. The faculty is made up of a well-balanced team of academicians and industry professionals in arts, architecture, broadcasting, computing, design, animation, and advertising. Together, the transfer of knowledge and technology is smoothly facilitated, with digital media equipment for production work and study.
There are also the facilities which they are one of the reasons that make FCM what it is. The Facilities have equipped with the best equipment to fit the needs of students such as Design Studios; which are perfect workplace for students to design creatively and carry out their projects and assignment, Graphic Labs; high ability computers installed with professional graphic and image editing software, Interactive Labs; where a good place for creating interactive multimedia applications, Set and Background Studio; green screen studio and motion capture facilities, gallery; for showing the best works of students and to be a gateway to the world, 3D Labs; which are include Modeling Labs; where students can create 3D objects, Animation Labs; for creating animations and Rapid Prototyping Labs; for producing prototyping designs and mock-ups. Post Production Labs; which are also include Video Labs and Audio Labs, Immersive mini VR Theatre; for stereoscopic image projection with surround sound, K-SPACE; where the faculty staff in conjunction with current and future postgraduate research student share research knowledge space and Theatre; cinematic hall equipped with audio and video facilities for screening and lecture purposes. And the collaborations industry as well as other research facilities in the world. The partners who provide funds and grant researches built an international and world-class reputation. The partners are: Teknion, MDEC (Multimedia Development Corporation Sdn Bhd), Nokia, Dragosoft Research, MBadan Warisan Malaysia, Queensland University of Technology (Australia), MMU Creativista Sdn. Bhd, Sabanci University (Turkey), Al-Jazeera, Telenor, Concordia University, Canada, Coventry University (UK) and TM Net - Hypp TV Portal. And certainly the qualified staff has an important role in the success of the faculty. Besides the effort that Professor Harold Thwaites (The Dean), Khairul Hazrin b. Hashim  (Deputy Dean),  Khong Chee Weng (Deputy Dean)and  Dr. Lim Yan Peng (Deputy Dean) spend has a clearly role too. The facilities, collaborations and the staff are some of the reasons that make FCM different than the others.
            And the special about this faculty is the opportunity it gives to their student to find work after graduation, the University's international reputation as a leader in creative multimedia studies ensures that its graduates are in great demand with prospective employers, and take up leading roles in the multimedia world. There are many different job opportunities that await our graduates in various industries. Students who graduate from the degrees will have the opportunity as well as the proper knowledge and skills in the following career prospects:

- Multimedia Content Manager
- Film Director
- Animation Director
- Animators
- Advertising Consultant
- Art Director
- R&D Product Designer
- Interface Designers
- Instructional Designers
- Multimedia Designers
- Multimedia Trainers
- Web Designers
- Immersive Content Consultant
- Simulation Designer
- Graphic Designer
- Entrepreneur / Cyberpreneur
- Virtual Environment Designer 

            Multimedia University Is specialize in graphic and design and offered many courses for student. There are three levels for undergraduate program, foundation, diploma, degree. Pass in SPM / or O level, it’s equivalent with 5e’s inclusive of English and mathematics, this is the entry requirement with 4e’s  inclusive of English and Mathematics. There are five courses for degree; there are virtual reality, interface design, advertising design, animation and visual effects and media art. Students will learn basic of graphic and design when they are in foundation or diploma. Duration for foundation is one year, for diploma two years and 3 months. Students will know which courses they would like to continue in degree, postgraduate programs offered five courses, there are doctor of philosophy, Master of knowledge management with multimedia, Master of Science in creative multimedia, Master of multimedia (E-Learning Technologies)

            Faculty of Creative Multimedia has received more than 100 appreciation and awards internationally and locally. Mostly awards are in Malaysia. The qualities are there is a creative output which would be of a quality to be exhibited, displayed, published, or performed in venue traditionally considered a arts venue. Second one is there is also a research component that would gather or analyses knowledge for the purpose of creation. The knowledge researched need not be not be new knowledge, but it should be new for the purpose of creation. In addition, FCM also has a RSP flagship project based in Culture and Heritage. Faculty of Creative Multimedia also carried out research in Malaysian digital culture & heritage product. We explore the complex results of heritage change; investigate the social and environmental risks, and MCHDC also faster scientific cultural heritage communication research and academic collaboration. Faculty of creative multimedia also participates on The Mulearn Flagship to support the idea of making truly mobile and iniquitous. Faculty of Creative Multimedia also carried out research with Special Interest Group such as KM soft. Km soft exploring the ‘human side’ of knowledge management. Km soft also research on applications and strategies to maximize knowledge sharing and generating towards creating ‘Learning Organization’.  Universal Usability and Interaction Design looks at the research and practice of usability and interaction design towards useful, usable, highly pleasurable and stimulating technologies, services and artifacts’, while Computer Graphics Expression focuses on the technical aspects of producing computer graphics related art. Others group such as The Student-Related Multimedia Learning environment (SMILE) conducts research in technology-based education, focusing on the use of multimedia technologies in constructions and student-related environments. Faculty also work together with Aesthetic Media looks at the possibilities of expression through modern media, technology and culture, and how there relate to the artist and society.Dicicap company focused on the research and explanation of technology methods, techniques and applications of audio, visual and spatial capture by means of digital media
Multimedia University is specialize in graphic and design and offered many courses for student. There are three levels for undergraduate program , foundation, diploma, degree. Pass in SPM/O level, it is requirement with 5c inclusive English and Mathematics , this is the requirement for foundation. Diploma, pass in O level, it is requirement with 4c inclusive English and mathematic. There are five courses for degree there are virtual reality, interface design, advertising design, animation and visual efface and media art. Students will learn basic graphic and design when they are in foundation or diploma. Duration for foundation is one year, for diploma 2years and 3 mouths. Students will know which courses they would like to continue in degree after students finish foundation or diploma. Postgraduate program offered four courses there are doctor of philosophy, mater of knowledge management with multimedia, Master of Science in creative multimedia and master of multimedia (E-learning Technologies). Faculty of creative multimedia is the main faculty in Multimedia University. All the courses in each program will help students to compose their career in further. Multimedia University will guarantee students will get job after students finish their study.


Digital Art

“FCM is now moving forward into its second decade of existence being the first such faculty in Malaysia in 1997. Many things have changed over the years since its establishment. Each day I find much inspiration and challenge with our dynamic staff, innovative projects and eager young students wanting to learn the future of multimedia.” -Harold Thwaites (Dean, Faculty of Creative Multimedia). Faculty of Creative Multimedia established in 1997 and it was the first of its kind in Malaysia, since its establishment and the success carried on. And this step has placed Multimedia University at the forefront of Malaysian art education. Many students from all over the world got their eyes on this faculty and wanted to be a part of this journey, and the faculty welcomes both international and local students with a warm heart. The faculty always puts the interests of students in first place and always tries so hard to provide all the required technologies to make our education journey in art more sophisticated and functional. The Faculty takes place in Multimedia University in Cyberjaya campus and the faculty building is considered one of the most fascinating and colorful buildings in campus it’s also the second newest building after Faculty of management, it’s one of the buildings that you would love to stay in all the time. Faculty of creative multimedia goal is to produce digital content artist driven by knowledge and information. There is a strong emphasis on multimedia production and the use of computing technology to combine the wide range of communication media. Students will also be encouraged to develop the theoretical skills necessary to analyze critically the media and the information society, both in terms of its technological manifestation and its social impact. Creative multimedia is all about dedication, creativity, entertainment and most importantly art. To be a part of this faculty you must be a dedicated student and always uses your own ideas in your art because they represent you. Everyone is creative in their own way and in Faculty of creative multimedia they help us to unleash the creativity inside us and polish our own talents to become more successful and artistic in our lives.

About Digital Art and the courses related to digital art that had in FCM
Digital art is a general term for a range of artistic works and practices that use digital technology as an essential part of the creative and/ or presentation process. Since the 1970s, various names have been used to describe the process such as computer art and multimedia art, and digital art is itself placed under the larger umbrella term new media art. The impact of digital technology has transformed activities such as painting, drawing and sculpture. While new forms, such as net art, digital installation art, and virtual reality have been recognized artistic practices. In an expanded sense, “digital art” is a term applied to contemporary art that uses the methods of mass production or digital media. The techniques of digital art are used extensively by the mainstream media in advertisements, and by film-makers to produce special effects. Digital art can be purely computer-generated(such as factals and algorithmic art) ot taken from other sources, such as scanned photography or an image drawn using vector graphics software using a mouse or graphic tablet. Though technically the term may be applied to art done using other media or processes and merely scanned in, it is usually reserved for art that has been non-trivially modified by a computing process( such as a computer programs, microcontroller or any electronic systems capable of interpreting an input to create an output), digital text data and raw audio and video recordings are not usually considered digital art in themselves, but can be part of larger project of computer art and information art. Faculty of creative multimedia,   MMU Cyberjaya had offered a postgraduate programs Bachelor of multimedia (Hons) (Media Art) in conjunction to emphasizes the creation of new forms of communication art enabled by computer technologies. Media art(MA) programs offers an inter/multidisciplinary approach to media creation that fosters individual exploration, experimentation and creation technologies practice/ The word “Media” relates to mediums of communication: while “art” emphasizes the use of these mediums to create, express and challenge. The course is conducted in an exciting environment where theories and practices can be challenged and ideas flow. MA foreground experimental media creation and the results emerge in the interactive systems, websites, games, installations, galleries, performances and sometimes public spaces. We strive to create socially and culturally relevant objects, experiences and spaces. Our graduates make significant contributions to the creative cultural and multimedia industries.
Digital art careers nowadays become the popular among teen now, due to the development of technology. Many people are interest in this job, digital art is take place a lots of things to entertain people. When students are finish their studies in digital art, the opportunity to get woke in this job is easy because many company nowadays are needed people that good in graphic and design to work with. All skill that students have learned in high school or university will be useful in their job. Student will use their skill in design and it will compose on their woke. Photoshop and illustrator are the basic in design, so it be help for those that good in it. The salary for this job is quit high and it depends on their skill. Digital art can be divides in many job such as film animation, media art, games, movies and so on, all of this job in future will have lot of people gives interest in it and technology nowadays also develop very fast. Digital art are compose many in technology such as phone, laptop and so on, and many people are using in these day. Student will also open their own shop as photography or graphic and design shop and will earn a lot of money. The other thing is student can work as web designer, web design student can also do it when they are in high school or university also .The reason why they can do it while they study are that, they can do it at home when they home do it like hobby. This way is good for them because they can have their own money and it help parents to save money as well.
Digital Art's Software
One of the great advantages of FCM is kipping up with the latest technology especially when it comes to deal with the software that it's been used as an art tool; the list of these softwares is very long between 2D designing software, 3D and animation software. The program used to illustrate the artwork is the most important part of the process; it's like the colors and the brush in painting, you have to make sure that you are using a good quality to get a nice result. In FCM they use the best of these programs to help the students to be the best. To reveal this fact we are going to assemble brief details of these softwares:
Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator is a vector graphics editor developed and marketed by Adobe Systems. Illustrator is similar in scope, intended market, and functionality to its competitors, CorelDraw, Xara Designer Pro and Macromedia FreeHand. The version used in FCM is Illustrator CS4, is the fourteenth generation in the product line. CS4 was released in October 2008. It features a variety of improvements to old tools along with the introduction of a few brand new tools acquired from FreeHand. The ability to create multiple art boards is one of CS4’s main additions from FreeHand. The art boards allow you to create multiple versions of a piece of work within a single document. Other tools include the Blob Brush, which allows multiple overlapping vector brush strokes to easily merge or join, and a revamped gradient tool allowing for more in-depth color manipulation as well as transparency in gradients.

Adobe Flash
Adobe Flash (formerly Macromedia Flash) is a multimedia platform used to add animation, video, and interactivity to web pages. Flash is frequently used for advertisements, games and flash animations for broadcast. More recently, it has been positioned as a tool for "Rich Internet Applications" ("RIAs"). Flash manipulates vector and raster graphics to provide animation of text, drawings, and still images. It supports bidirectional streaming of audio and video, and it can capture user input via mouse, keyboard, microphone, and camera. Flash contains an object-oriented language called Action Script and supports automation via the JavaScript Flash language (JSFL). Flash content may be displayed on various computer systems and devices, using Adobe Flash Player, which is available free of charge for common web browsers, some mobile phones and a few other electronic devices (using Flash Lite).
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Photoshop is a graphics editing program developed and published by Adobe Systems Incorporated. Adobe's 2003 "Creative Suite" rebranding led to Adobe Photoshop 8's renaming to Adobe Photoshop CS. Thus, Adobe Photoshop CS5 is the 12th major release of Adobe Photoshop. The CS rebranding also resulted in Adobe offering numerous software packages containing multiple Adobe programs for a reduced price. Adobe Photoshop is released in two editions: Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Photoshop Extended, with the Extended having extra 3D image creation, motion graphics editing, and advanced image analysis features. Adobe Photoshop Extended is included in all of Adobe's Creative Suite offerings except Design Standard, which includes the Adobe Photoshop edition.
Alongside Photoshop and Photoshop Extended, Adobe also publishes Photoshop Elements and Photoshop Lightroom, collectively called "The Adobe Photoshop Family". In 2008, Adobe released Adobe Photoshop Express, a free web-based image editing tool to edit photos directly on blogs and social networking sites; in 2011 a version was released for the Android operating system and the IOS operating system.
Autodesk 3ds Max
Autodesk 3ds Max, formerly 3D Studio MAX, is for making 3D animations. It was developed and produced by Autodesk Media and Entertainment. It has modeling capabilities, a flexible plug-in architecture and can be used on the Microsoft Windows platform. It's frequently used by video game developers, TV commercial studios and architectural visualization studios. It is also used for movie effects and movie pre-visualization.
In addition to its modeling and animation tools, the latest version of 3ds Max also features shaders (such as ambient occlusion and subsurface scattering), dynamic simulation, particle systems, radiosity, normal map creation and rendering, global illumination, a customizable user interface, and its own scripting language.
Autodesk Maya
Autodesk Maya commonly shortened to Maya, is 3D computer graphics software that runs on Microsoft Windows, Mac OS and Linux, originally developed by Alias Systems Corporation (formerly Alias|Wavefront) and currently owned and developed by Autodesk, Inc. It is used to create interactive 3D applications, including video games, animated film, TV series, or visual effects. The product is named after the Sanskrit word Maya (माया māyā), the Hindu concept of illusion.


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